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Understanding your app's uncontested market space is key to making your competition irrelevant. We take your app apart and put it back together again, helping it stand out in the app stores.

Interface Design

The interface of your app creates an emotional connection with your audience. They'll tap, swipe, and pinch it. We'll craft a beautiful, functional design with your specific users in mind.

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Developing a great app goes beyond it just working. It has to be fast, fluid, and exhilarating. We spend time on the polish while using backend services from Amazon, Google, and others to allow it to scale.

You have the vision.  We have the experience and knowledge to get there.


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Listen & Ideate

You develop your idea and we help you expand it and together we will come up with a unique selling proposition to help you stand out.

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Wireframes outline your app’s architecture and operation while the screen tree connects each page to visualize the app’s flow.  We then overlay a beautiful front-end GUI (graphical user interface) and artistic elements. When the design phase wraps, you’ll receive a mock version to review before technical integration.

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Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Work with our design team to create an elegant design that incorporates the latest UI and UX trends.

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Develop & Test 

Our agile development cycle has clear milestones to ensure development happens on a timely basis. Extensive beta testing is done in order to identify and correct any bugs in the software that have slipped through the initial QA checks. First impressions are important, which makes thorough evaluation and fine-tuning before public release crucial.

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Submitting an app to the App Store or Google Play can be a tricky process, but we will help you along the way to get your app published. 

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Measure & Update

Updates are essential to an app’s success. We will help you improve and update your app based on user data and feedback.


The Bigtime Fitness app was created to provide the fitness community with an all-in-one resource for those who want to achieve their health and fitness goals.  The social app gives users the ability to connect with others who have similar interests and provides a platform for them to share workouts, nutritional information, and inspirational content.


The founder has benefited greatly from the impact his trainer has had on him, so it was important that the app also served as a resource to connect users with trainers and other local fitness service providers.  

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